Thursday, July 29, 2010

tukar tajuk plak ye...

~sudah sekian lme tdk mgupdate d sni ye,...agak2 lebih 3 bln rse nye...kwn2 pn dh lme suh tkr new post..ayik2 ngn dadih aje...heheheee
well,now its all start as usual as i used live be4 as a this time lg specific as a final year student yg bakal graduasi next year insyaallah...gerun plak ble mndengar n thought about it...neway,this is almost 3rd week the sem have been started...sudah nmpk ke'bz'an yg melanda dlm jadual seharian if compared to the daily schedule during sem vacation..hehee..of cos la kn..trying to study harder, smarter than usual...xmo dh tensi2 ni wlaupn dh brtukar de kne mngene ke..looking 4ward with the better plan 4 future..