Saturday, July 31, 2010

go go go kids attack

Yeah..we've done our event known as KIDS ATTACK with succesfully without any kekusutan-masalah-yg besar..therefore, credit to our committees plus main boards who r really continuously giving us such meaningful hopes to run to organize this event as planned from the beginning..thumbs up for u guys!!!!u r very spportive mmbers..we hve A great experiences today eventhough we can see some of us mengalirkan peluh bcoz of running from here to there,keliling 1 KAED, sggup brpayung d tengah panas terik n whatsoever...n for those yg kne denda or some kind of penalties, hoping that, no hard feeling-no heart feeling n i'm very sorry k..didnt meant to do such thing 4 u guys..
In handling our participants from KG Muafakat + adk2 S.M.agama Al-amin, thnks a lot for spending ur valuable wkend's time with us (akak2 n abg2)..hope that we'll met again bcoz we r planning for having another community srvice prog at ur kampung..
Thanx again guys!!!!


cik M said...

seriously, i enjoy my day!!! we are lucky coz 'she' not there...kalo tak, stress kot smlm...lalalala....

lxt said...

tabik to the leaders.pandai korg handle ke-chaos-an yg berlaku..btw, k.maryah, whos 'she'?

cik M said...


!eYd@vR!eyLew said...

sy taw sape 'she'..yg telah menimbulkn kekecohan the day be4 the event kn..hehehehe...
well,lupakn yg telah brkalu,yg penting kte enjoyyyyy

Hamba Yg BersYukur said...

hahahaha...ak tau spa "SHE" tuuuu