Kerja..kerja...dan kerja...hailaaaa~
Bila rasa tertekan skit mula lah nk merapu merepek bagai..haishh masalah kt tempat kje dh mula bw balik ke rumah.arghhhhh nk menjerit kang org ingat something wrong somewhre plak.sudahnya coretan kt sni la jugak tpt utk lepaskan segala mak datuk tekanan.hihihi
Hari2ku dh rse xsemangat nk p kje sbb bgun pagi pkir kje,blik umh pkir kje..bila nk abis ni.lagi2 skang opis tgh kekurangan kaki tangan apalagi staff yg ciput tu la jd mangsa.workload super duper bertambah
tp maintain gaji..what the...???OT lg di cut2 adalah..dh cmna x stress buat kje dh x ikhlas nk buat kje xpe bos ckp all this for temporary only..kte tgk selama mna temporary dia tu..huh!!
Tapi bulan ni mmg hectic sgguh la. sume benda nk urgent je blom lg kna layan demand client contractor bagai..sume nk kna kejar deadline.aiyooo 2 tangan 2 kaki je kot ak ni.mna sempat nk buat sume tu.cubalah paham skit.kalo ada org tolong xpe la jugak.
maybe ini la lumrah profession yg ak pilih.perlu jd se'workaholic' yg apa sebenarnya workaholic ni.meh sni nk cter skit.A person who is addicted to working, to the point where their life consists only of work and sleep. They have very few friends, if any, and some rarely see their own families.
Workaholics often suffer from fatigue, sleeping disorders, stress and stress-related ailments, and some eventually work themselves to death. kalo ada symptom2 yg kna mngena ngn korg tu dikira workaholic la tu.
.tp kte ade 24jam je kot sehari.tu pn dh cuba sehabis boleh dh.ceh ade je alasan nk bg hehhe.ok kena bertahan selagi termampu!!Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated..ade ke org saje2 nk buat hidup jd complicated.mmg xbtol la org how to make it simple is complicated..the question is HOW??if dh taw cara yg btol mmg akan jd SIMPLE.yg xtaw ni ha mmg jd 100% complicated.turn upside down la jawabnya.lg 1 In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of xmustahil be4 u succeed u have to fail 1st.have to??bcoz from ur failure u will recognize where n what is ur strength n weakness.
nk tggu kejayaan dtg bergolek tu mmg payah now is time for learning session.sbenarnya smpai bila2 pn kita belajar xpernah berhenti belajar cuma sedar dgn x je.
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.Experiment yg memang telah dituliskan utk kita.if we choose the right path to ride on,insyaallah it will lead us to the way where u can achieve ur dreams..maybe..
Cakap psl kje mmg tak akan abis la cmna nk abis kalo wkend pn kna bw blik HOMEWORK.housemate plak 1 opis.pandang muka dorg je duk ckp pasal opis la kje la..haishhh tak bosan ke..well Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different boleh jd bonus if we can combine it to be one.working hard tp tak smart no point jugak.OT smpai mlm tp obvious mistake stil buat jugak.working smart tp smbil lewa pn xboleh jugak.thats why it can be 2 dfferent pikir2lah mna yg terbaik ut dri sndiri.tak rugi mna pn kalo buat sesuatu tu dgn ikhlas.hasil kje tu akan buat kita puas..hehhee
amik ko tdo bwh workstation je ha..punya la sayang nk tggal kerja..kronik ni ha.. |
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