Saturday, February 7, 2009

~something have across my mind~

ermm..korg percye pd cinta x..??
what do u think about those statement that claimed love is everything,..

1..death a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.. is like antique vase, hard to find hard to meet, but easy to break..
3..a memory of true love is like a favourite song; no matter how many times it plays again, u never get tired of it..
4...a good love is like a computer, u can enter my life, save u in my heart, scan & format ur problems, copy & paste ur kindness & never delete u from my memory..
5...sometimes there are moment in life when u miss someone so much that u juz want to pick them from ur dreams & hug them for real...
~ haa ape mcm...ape komen korg???
aiyooo byk jiwang bg certain org, above statement is true!!
so sng ckp,is depend on individu tu sndiri how they want to interprete love in their life..
tp ak percye one thing.."dont find love, let love find u, thay's why it called falling in love, bcoz..u dont force ur self to fall, u juz fall..."
ish pe ak merapu, merepek ni..x kisah la pape pn,sbb 2 ak post entry ni bcoz it just sj suke2..ngee
kalo korg bce ni,kompem xcye ak boleh tlis mendalah2 ni sume..haha


'Izzati said...

zatii suka all the quotes tu. best!
quotes mcm bagi kita berfkir! huhuhu..

zati cilok gambar ye..

'Izzati said...
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'Izzati said...

lupa mau ckp, of course la percayakan cinta! tapi statement love is everything tu kurang setuju sbb banyak benda lagi priority dalam hidup.. :P

but without love, hatred akan take over diri kita.. so i guess everyone need love to prevent ourself from hatred kot..

huhuhu.. jiwang overboard~!

Anonymous said...

dayah,ko tetelan ubat gegat ke ape??
asal ngn ko nih?
(sambil menampar pipi dayah se slow mungkin..)

tapi setelah melalui sebuah fasa kehidupan yg penuh liku2 ni,aku pecaya apa yg ku tulis.aku suka no.5,sbb tu lah yg selalu aku rasa.masa dekat,masa slalu spend bersama,kita takkan rasa smua tu,tapi bila jauh,iman akan satu je,aku pecaye pada jodoh.kalo jauh berjuta2 batu pun,kalo dipisahkan dek benua pun,kalo dah jodoh,pasti takkan ke mana. igt lah bahawa, sejak dlm rahim ibu lagi,allah dah tetapkan pada tiap2 manusia itu 3 perkara: ajal maut,rezeki dan terima takdir tuhan seadanya..

--keep rocking bebeh!--

Libra_girl said...

Aah...geli la...
dayah jiwang seh..hehe..
kak ummie percaye je dayah tuleh mende alah nih?
eleh,lagu rock kapak denga...
xkan x jiwang kot..hehe

Anonymous said...

dayah dont wory everyone can be jiwang sometimes.. sapa x pnah jiwang tu namanya abnormal. :)

deli said...

di post kan pade tarikh hari jadi ku, mungkin pengirim sengaje dengan niat tersendiri, owh dayah, jgn ckp ko menaruh harapan pada .........

'Izzati said...

hahahhaha.. siot la ko jelii.. dayah betul kah? betulkah? ada isi tersirat ghupanyer..