oh my God..what should i do..?
can someone tell me what should i do,what the next step should i take,what the next thing should i think..?all the things right now seems to be out of control..how could this happen to me..~
msti korg curious kn pe actually hppen kt ak..
sbnrnyer cmni,ak dlm dilemma,eh xde la dlm category dilemma sgt,its more to rse b'salah at the 1 side & another side rse cm terikat pd janji plak.what people called is 'di telan mati emak, diluah mati bapak' yke pepatah ni cm pelik jer.ah hentam sje lah,at least de gak bunyik yg lebih kurg..
ak dh jnji ngn ayh ak about sth yg related to money la, also related to my uncle yg nk kwen.. tp thank Gd everything dh setel during holiday ari2..ak plak sengal g stuju je promise 2 tanpa pkir btol2 dlu consequence yg bakal b'laku if i dare to take the risk if sth happen..
tp the probs here is about to make those promise as a secret to my mom..tibe2 nk di jd kn cter,mak ak dh bgtaw sth kt ayh ak yg mne perkara 2 also related to that particular money..
in fact ak xtaw menahu pn about the things yg mak ak ckp kt ayh ak 2,smpi lh ak taw after ak dh stuju nk rahsiakn pe yg ak dh jnji kt ayah ak 2..ak rse cm 'dushh' ~aiyarkk~
1 side ak dh jnji ngan ayh ak,another side ak rse b'salah coz rhsiakn sesuatu from my mom yg mne kalo mak ak taw psl perkara yg ak rhsiakn 2,msti die kcewa kn..sedih pn iye juge..
ye la msti mak ak x expect perkara yg ak rhsiakn 2 related ngn pe yg mak ak ckp kt ayh ak...aiyoo pe yg perlu ak buat skang ni..
perlu ke ak juz keep the promise untill my dad yg in4m sndri kt my mom?
should me in4m kt my mom what is actually happen?
should i juz ignore what is going on right now until the right time is coming?
what will my mom do if she find out that i'm was complot with my dad?
arghhh ak dh xleh pkir..
sesape de idea, nk kasi ak nasihat ke,pe ke, korg di alu2kn..as long as mende 2 x buat ak rse cm org jht yg betray his own family..tp nk wt cmne,terlajak perahu boleh di undur,trlajak kata..hah jdi lh mcm ak ni ha..isk3.
hopefully prtolongn yg ak kasi kt uncle ak 2,akn berbaloi la dng pe yg ak faced right now..huhu~
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
gmbr ni amek be4 the day ktorg clebrate new year.hehe
ktorg lyn pmen bowling kt times..1st time bg k.ummi ngn atiq dorg men bowling.
not bad la girlz..leh la kte set up team utk bowl tournament QS nnt ek.haha
kire okey la tu 1st time men x cmpk bola ke blakang.kui3
tp ak de pengalamn cmpk bola ke belakang juge,malu siott..seb baek kt megamall ktn n org x rmai mse 2..kalo kt times xtaw mne nk sorok muka yg dh blush smpi klh revlon pnyer blusher.haha
yg xpuas ati nyer adik2 ak ngn cousins ak duk bantai b'rdekah2 ketawa smpai b'guling2 tgk aksi spontan ak 2,bkn nyer nk tlong cover ke pe,kureng btol dorg nie..1 more thing de ke patut cousin ak ltk gmbr ak kt fs die ckp ak "ratu longkang"..what the...
tragedi memalukn itu akn ku smpan jd kenangn pahit bg ku.huhu..
let it be the 1st n last ak wat kje gitu,org bling bola ke depan,ak bntai nyer bling ke blakang..ngee
so,pd sape2 yg rse2 nk test men bowling ngn ak,korg di alu2kn..all r invited..hehe
gmbr ni amek be4 the day ktorg clebrate new year.hehe
ktorg lyn pmen bowling kt times..1st time bg k.ummi ngn atiq dorg men bowling.
not bad la girlz..leh la kte set up team utk bowl tournament QS nnt ek.haha
kire okey la tu 1st time men x cmpk bola ke blakang.kui3
tp ak de pengalamn cmpk bola ke belakang juge,malu siott..seb baek kt megamall ktn n org x rmai mse 2..kalo kt times xtaw mne nk sorok muka yg dh blush smpi klh revlon pnyer blusher.haha
yg xpuas ati nyer adik2 ak ngn cousins ak duk bantai b'rdekah2 ketawa smpai b'guling2 tgk aksi spontan ak 2,bkn nyer nk tlong cover ke pe,kureng btol dorg nie..1 more thing de ke patut cousin ak ltk gmbr ak kt fs die ckp ak "ratu longkang"..what the...
tragedi memalukn itu akn ku smpan jd kenangn pahit bg ku.huhu..
let it be the 1st n last ak wat kje gitu,org bling bola ke depan,ak bntai nyer bling ke blakang..ngee
so,pd sape2 yg rse2 nk test men bowling ngn ak,korg di alu2kn..all r invited..hehe
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
give 1sec to think
Copied from someone's blog...
doesnt it give a sense about sth which naturally across my mind where there have the real meaning behind it for those who can feel through it..
You never have to choose between work and enjoyment. You can do both.
You can choose to do work that you enjoy. You can also choose to enjoy whatever work you do.
The work you do enables you to create value. The work you do while enjoying yourself enables you to create immense and highly meaningful value.(valueless)
There is a reason why you have chosen to do the work you do. Explore that reason, connect it with your deepest purpose, and you'll find a way to enjoy whatever the task may be.
One of your most persistent driving desires is to make a difference. Enjoy the fact that you have the opportunity to work at things that will indeed make a difference.
Work with enjoyment and gratitude. Not only will your work bring rewards, you'll also find that your work is itself a great reward.
ermm...speechless la ble bce about those things ni..
mcm relate je ngn myself,anyway u'll know it after u give a try for that thing..
doesnt it give a sense about sth which naturally across my mind where there have the real meaning behind it for those who can feel through it..
You never have to choose between work and enjoyment. You can do both.
You can choose to do work that you enjoy. You can also choose to enjoy whatever work you do.
The work you do enables you to create value. The work you do while enjoying yourself enables you to create immense and highly meaningful value.(valueless)
There is a reason why you have chosen to do the work you do. Explore that reason, connect it with your deepest purpose, and you'll find a way to enjoy whatever the task may be.
One of your most persistent driving desires is to make a difference. Enjoy the fact that you have the opportunity to work at things that will indeed make a difference.
Work with enjoyment and gratitude. Not only will your work bring rewards, you'll also find that your work is itself a great reward.
ermm...speechless la ble bce about those things ni..
mcm relate je ngn myself,anyway u'll know it after u give a try for that thing..
Sunday, January 4, 2009
ermm,1st of all,today,arini..
thanks 2 k.ummi yg tlh menolong sy utk m'update'kn sy pnyer antivirus.haha..cm klakar je bunyi kn,tp itulah cternyer,nk update antivirus pn kne mntk tolong org..
hrp2 pasni bersih la dr virus2 sekalian alam yg ada.kui3
2 je la,len kali smbung lg..he2
thanks 2 k.ummi yg tlh menolong sy utk m'update'kn sy pnyer antivirus.haha..cm klakar je bunyi kn,tp itulah cternyer,nk update antivirus pn kne mntk tolong org..
hrp2 pasni bersih la dr virus2 sekalian alam yg ada.kui3
2 je la,len kali smbung lg..he2
Thursday, January 1, 2009
nEW Ye@R LOr...
alhamdulilah..thun bru menjelma juge..
meningkat la usiaku.huhu
erm kalo nk rewind blik memories 2008 byk gler,manis ade pahit pn de..
tp ble kenang blik,nk trgelak pn ad..sedih pn ade..satu thun yg pnuh cabaran sudah pn di lalui..
dugaan,halangan,pancaroba & segala mcm lg la di harungi..
thanks 2 my fmily,all my fwen yg sme2 susah senang dlm menempuh hidup ini..
jse mu akan senantiasa dikenang oleh daku..hehe
well, let bygone be bygone..
life must go on..
buka bku baru,azam baru,misi bru,visi bru n sume la yg bru2..
nk cter psl pe ek..new year celebration..
last year celeb ngn men bowling,dis year pn sme juge tp plus ngn lepak kt ptrajaya plus tgk bunga api...hehe
xde la beza sgt pn juz rse ngan2k je..
hopefully dis new year will bring benefits,goods,sweet memories n so on to me..
akan ku tabah m'hadapi segala dugaan yg melanda pd thun ini pula..insyallah
to all my fwen,gud luck in ur life 2,n jgn lupe dis end of year kte akn buat praktikal,huhu tkutnyer..
last but not least,hepi new year n semoga berjaya!!!
meningkat la usiaku.huhu
erm kalo nk rewind blik memories 2008 byk gler,manis ade pahit pn de..
tp ble kenang blik,nk trgelak pn ad..sedih pn ade..satu thun yg pnuh cabaran sudah pn di lalui..
dugaan,halangan,pancaroba & segala mcm lg la di harungi..
thanks 2 my fmily,all my fwen yg sme2 susah senang dlm menempuh hidup ini..
jse mu akan senantiasa dikenang oleh daku..hehe
well, let bygone be bygone..
life must go on..
buka bku baru,azam baru,misi bru,visi bru n sume la yg bru2..
nk cter psl pe ek..new year celebration..
last year celeb ngn men bowling,dis year pn sme juge tp plus ngn lepak kt ptrajaya plus tgk bunga api...hehe
xde la beza sgt pn juz rse ngan2k je..
hopefully dis new year will bring benefits,goods,sweet memories n so on to me..
akan ku tabah m'hadapi segala dugaan yg melanda pd thun ini pula..insyallah
to all my fwen,gud luck in ur life 2,n jgn lupe dis end of year kte akn buat praktikal,huhu tkutnyer..
last but not least,hepi new year n semoga berjaya!!!
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